Reporter | |
VBOffice Reporter is an easy to use tool for data analysis and reporting in Outlook. A single click, for instance, allows you to see the number of hours planned for meetings the next month. |
Before Outlook 2003 it wasn't possible to get the email address of the sender via the Outlook object model. The Sender property back then showed the display name instead.
See how to get the address by using the Redemption. The macro adds a user property named 'SenderAddress', which you can add to the fields displayed in the inbox.
Private WithEvents Items As Outlook.Items Private Sub Application_Startup() Set Items = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") _ .GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items End Sub Private Sub Items_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object) If TypeOf Item Is Outlook.MailItem Then AddSenderEmailAddress Item End If End Sub Private Sub AddSenderEmailAddress(Mail As Outlook.MailItem) On Error Resume Next Dim rdItem As Object Dim Field As Outlook.UserProperty Set rdItem = CreateSafeItem(Mail) Set Field = Mail.UserProperties("SenderAddress") If Field Is Nothing Then Set Field = Mail.UserProperties.Add("SenderAddress", olText, True) End If Field.Value = rdItem.SenderEmailAddress Mail.Save ReleaseSafeItem rdItem End Sub
ReplyAll | |
ReplyAll alerts you before unintentionally replying all, or if you are a confidential BCC recipient of the e-mail. |